Statistics show that in the classment of Internet users all around the world in 2011, Africa takes the 5th place (5,7%) below Asia (44%), Europe (22,7%), North America (13%) and Latin America/Caribbean (10,3%) and above Middle East (3,3%) and Oceania/Australia (1%).
Among Afrcican countries, Nigeria is the biggest user of Internet with 37 % of total users. Benin is far behind with 0,2 % of total users.
Network infrastructure statistics in Benin
Mobile phone subscribers (2008)
Fixed line and mobile phone
subscribers (per 100 people) (2007)
Personal computers (per 100
people) (2007)
Internet users (per 100 people)
The overall of those statistics show that despite its considerable advances Benin has more to do in the field of telephony and Internet access.
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